International Bible students convention

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by jehovahisgod, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. 2,921

    jehovahisgod Experienced Member

    Feb 2, 2013
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    statesboro ga
    I was once baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, never disfellowshipped I just decided to leave cuz I didn't agree with everything that was going on. Well anyway I found out about the Bible students, but it wasn't until just a couple of weeks ago that I watched my first Bible student convention live.
    So I was totally surprised it was exactly like the Old style Jehovah's Witness assemblies we used to have back in the 60s! A lot of the same songs and the same books that we used to use way back then when the truth was simple! So I don't know if anybody here is a Bible student I've gone to their website and then I commented there what I want to know is why is Jehovah's Witnesses and the Bible students at odds with each other the Bible students are just like the old Jehovah's Witnesses. Straight bible discussion good food the use the words Jehovah and Jesus Christ regularly they sing the old Christian songs that we used to sing back in the 60s! In The Olde pink songbook if anybody here can remember that far. They study the Bible and maybe use the studies in the scriptures books once in awhile and they don't have a million and one books and tracks it's strictly a Bible study which is how it should be.

    So why on Earth are these people fighting each other Jehovah's Witnesses call these people apostates! Nonsense there was nothing apostate in the convention that I just watched! Oh well that's why I had to get away from those people! I feel that when a person worships Jehovah God and obeys the Bible and follows Jesus Christ as the king in the savior and then goes out and testifies about all the wonderful things that Jesus and Jehovah have done for them in their lifetime, like me for instance, how I became a crack cocaine addict an atheist and even dabbled in satanism muahaha,

    And then turned my attention back to Jehovah and he set me straight. I am not a Kingdom Hall going Jehovah's Witness.

    But I consider myself honestly to be a Christian and a worshipper of Jehovah .
    And from what I saw on the Bible student convention so are they. They don't walk around with crosses stuck to their necks they don't believe in idols or false holidays,

    And what really impresses me they don't put rules and regulations upon people that aren't important as far as salvation is concerned . Oh well if there's anybody here that's a Bible student. Tell me about yourself a little bit! I live in Statesboro Georgia I'm always looking for a good Jehovah believing Church and unfortunately they are few and far between.

    Everybody claims to believe in God and Jesus but honestly when it comes down to the test of the work that they actually do talk talk talk. I don't say this cuz I like to brag or anything but I don't think a day of my life goes by that I don't spend 4 hours ministering about Jehovah on the internet to people that desperately need to hear about him. If I was a Jehovah Witness they would consider me a special pioneer except for the fact that I don't believe in literature! It's just weird to me to have a thousand books about the Bible ,and to read them ,and to study them and to know that while I'm reading and studing them, I've not actually reading the real Bible. But a book about the Bible.

    I don't know how many other people feel like this. But I don't want to read a book about the Bible or tracked about the Bible.

    I want to read the Bible and to know where all the scriptural chapters and verses are.
    So I can turn to the actual scriptures and the verses just as easy as I can breathe!

    This is my only defense against the devil and against his people out there this is my sword! Without it I feel helpless! And I don't want a Bible that when I start reading from it somebody says oh that's just a Jehovah Witness Bible! How am I supposed to give an effective Witness about Jesus Christ and about Jehovah if I have to overcome objections like that! It's a waste of time.
    I'd rather use the King James Bible Divine name Edition! Hey some people don't like the fact that they put the name Jehovah back in the King James book 695 *but I tell them tough potatoes! The King James has always been thought of as the Holy Bible right? Since when did putting Gods name back where it belongs make it the Unholy Bible? That shuts their objections up straight away and we can get down to Bible study! Say I'm a person that actually believes that the written word of God is an avatar of Jesus Christ made like a roadmap to get me to Jesus Christ.

    And I believe that Jesus Christ is an avatar of Jehovah God and I get that from Hebrews chapter 1! And I believe did if I get myself up in the morning and set down there with that Bible in front of me and do good Bible chapter like I do everyday, and ask Jesus Christ to show me what I'm supposed to do for the day and take with me a piece of paper and take some notes on what the Holy Spirit convicts me to do, that I will have a day that's worth living because I lived it for Jehovah! Well too much writing and I'll be writing another one of Jehovah Witness books LOL.

    So I'll let you think on what I've written and again if any of you know a little bit about the Bible students feel free to share!
    Imabetterboy likes this.
  2. 162

    Imabetterboy Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Christian Greetings jehovahisgod !
    I'm the same, never been d/f, just drifted away from the boredom and rote. Answering WT questions at a meeting did nothing for my spiirtuallity or understanding Bibical truths, I had to sit and listen to how someone else told us their views. You wern't allowed to ask questions for fear you'd be d/f. You had to accept it as truth!
    I have not caught up with the IBSA but I did know they exist, some Dawnist too I think. Sound interesting I might have a look at that convention. Do you have a link?
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    jehovahisgod Experienced Member

    Feb 2, 2013
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    I'm certainly not trying to convert you to be an international Bible student but I did find out from the times that I looked at them that they're like the Old Kingdom Hall back in 1960s if you want to be in touch with the Bible students look up friends of Jehovah's Witnesses when you go there you will see the Bible students main site you'll see how to join in by the internet in listening to the Tuesday night book study just like the Tuesday night book study used to be many years ago and the links to the conventions
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    Imabetterboy Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Thanks for that! I no longer belong to a religion, I am but just a simple worshipper of Jehovah, and Jesus is my exemplar and redeemer. I take his word as truth, if two or three are gathered in his name than he is there. We are all brothers at different levels of spirituality.
    Love Brother!
  5. 2,764

    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    If you are interested:
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    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Thanks to J.I.G., for the information about the International Bible Students Association.

    Here are their basic statements about their beliefs, along with (my comments)


    The International Bible Student's beliefs remain unchanged since the days of Brother Russell. We continue to treasure the Studies in the Scriptures, early Watchtowers and other writings of Brother Russell. We continue to believe the following:

Both the Old and New Testament are Jehovah's inspired words; the primary source of all Truth. (Yes)

    Man did not evolve but was created. (Yes)


Jehovah created his only-begotten Son, Jesus. Jesus created all other things. (Along with His Father Jehovah. (Gen. 1:26 inferred by “us”)

    Jesus descended from heaven to earth and was born of Mary as a perfect human man, not as God in flesh. (in vivo fertilization, genetic implant to Mary)


God raised Jesus from death in a Spirit body, not in a physical body of flesh. (Yes, restored to his previous state with all power.)

    The Holy Spirit is Jehovah's active power and force, not a person. (Yes )

    The Trinity is no where found or taught in the Bible. (Yes. It is a false teaching from ancient philosophers/sophists.)

    Man is mortal and does not possess an immortal soul. The soul ceases to exist after death. (Yes. Gen 3:19, Ecc 9:5)

    There is no hell of fire where the wicked are punished. "Hell" is from the same Greek and Hebrew words for "grave," describing the sleep of death, not eternal torment. (Yes, sort of, sheol=grave, “lake of fire"=eternal destruction)

    We are now living in the "time of the end". (Maybe. Depends on which "time of the end".)

    Jesus returned and has been invisibly present on earth since the early days of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. (N0, He has always been present.)

    The 144,000 of Revelation 7 are the anointed Bride of Christ in heaven. (Yes. We do not know who they are. Not just because someone claims to be one of them at this time.)

    Earth will never be literally destroyed or completely depopulated. (Yes. Some will be left over to re-establish an earthly population for the “New Earth=cosmos)

    In the Kingdom, Christ will rule the earth in righteousness and peace. (Yes.)

    By their faithfulness to God, the obedient of mankind will be granted what our original parents lost-everlasting life in human perfection on a paradise earth. (Yes, after the 1,000 years and final destruction of Satan and his demons)
  7. 2,921

    jehovahisgod Experienced Member

    Feb 2, 2013
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    statesboro ga
    Certainly sounds like the basic truth to me!
    It's too bad that Jehovah's Witnesses have chosen to add and add and add and add to what's already enough! As I said I'm a worshipper of Jehovah I found the old style Bible students a refreshing change there's none of them in my area at least not as a congregation kind of wish there was though I might enjoy speaking to some of them well anyway carry on as we get closer each day all we can do is press on
  8. 2,764

    Tsaphah Experienced Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Hey JIG. I can't find one in my area either. So, I guess we will have to communicate with them online. I've been watching their video's, and reading their information. Interesting!
  9. 162

    Imabetterboy Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Greeting Brother,
    Thanks for the link. I have a few things to catch up on and I've got to go out of town to help my wifes cousin do an extention to his garage so I may be missing for a while. I'm interested in the next post, I want to re-read it and comment, but probably later to-night.
    Cheers for now.
  10. 162

    Imabetterboy Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Yeah, I went through that list, and thought of repying on the site but thought better of it. But just to compare, this is how I viewed it. I left your comments to get an overview of how we see things differently)

    Both the Old and New Testament are Jehovah's inspired words; the primary source of all Truth. (Yes)

 (Agreed to a point)

    Man did not evolve but was created. (Yes) (Agreed)


Jehovah created his only-begotten Son, Jesus. Jesus created all other things. (Along with His Father Jehovah. (Gen. 1:26 inferred by “us”)

 (Disagreed Jehovah created alone and by himself. Isa 46:10-11, Isa 44:24) (Gen 1:26 is ambigious, it could mean the earth and the water or all the divine council)

    Jesus descended from heaven to earth and was born of Mary as a perfect human man, not as God in flesh. (in vivo fertilization, genetic implant to Mary) (Disagreed, Jesus is the Son of Jehovah his father and Mary his mother, out of Mary and out of holy spirit Matt 1:16, 18,20)


God raised Jesus from death in a Spirit body, not in a physical body of flesh. (Yes, restored to his previous state with all power.)

 (Agreed his body changed to gain access to heaven)

    The Holy Spirit is Jehovah's active power and force, not a person. (Yes )

 (Agreed to a point, It is his personal active presence) Ps 139

    The Trinity is no where found or taught in the Bible. (Yes. It is a false teaching from ancient philosophers/sophists.) (Agreed)

    Man is mortal and does not possess an immortal soul. The soul ceases to exist after death. (Yes. Gen 3:19, Ecc 9:5) (Agreed)

    There is no hell of fire where the wicked are punished. "Hell" is from the same Greek and Hebrew words for "grave," describing the sleep of death, not eternal torment. (Yes, sort of, sheol=grave, “lake of fire"=eternal destruction) (Agreed)

    We are now living in the "time of the end". (Maybe. Depends on which "time of the end".) (We will always be in the time of the end until it comes)

    Jesus returned and has been invisibly present on earth since the early days of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. (N0, He has always been present.) (Disagreed, Jesus said he would be with us always)

    The 144,000 of Revelation 7 are the anointed Bride of Christ in heaven. (Yes. We do not know who they are. Not just because someone claims to be one of them at this time.) (Don't know, It's a matter of interpretation)

    Earth will never be literally destroyed or completely depopulated. (Yes. Some will be left over to re-establish an earthly population for the “New Earth=cosmos) (Agreed)

    In the Kingdom, Christ will rule the earth in righteousness and peace. (Yes.) (Agreed)

    By their faithfulness to God, the obedient of mankind will be granted what our original parents lost-everlasting life in human perfection on a paradise earth. (Yes, after the 1,000 years and final destruction of Satan and his demons) ( Agreed)

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2018
  11. 2,921

    jehovahisgod Experienced Member

    Feb 2, 2013
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    any work jehovah sends!
    statesboro ga
    A lot of people don't know this but the property where Jehovah's Witnesses have the society are used to have the society is right across the way from me Amish territory and right across the way from the 7 Day Adventist home store so to speak and Pastor Russell appears to be quite Amish it's my guess that Jehovah's Witnesses the international Bible students the the Amish the mentonites and the 7 Day Adventist we're at one time one big happy family!

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